Confidence Interval Crossing 1. The confidence interval is based on inverting the Wald test and will always be consistent with its p-value. The critical value in this example is 2262. It cannot be larger than 1 obviously. Typically confidence intervals are calculated using a probability of 100 1-a 95.
C is is statistically significant because it does not cross the null value. Suppose the same study produced an estimate of a relative risk of 21 with a 95 confidence interval of 15 28. The lower interval bound in this example is 652 008 644. In terms of statistical data this means you have no discovered anything. Then the confidence interval is statistically significant. Because were talking about a ratio measure.
If the confidence interval includes or crosses 1 then there is insufficient evidence to conclude that the groups are statistically significantly different there is no difference between arms.
Ive read from a source which I forgot where that In cross validation the model with best scores at 95 confidence interval is picked. Typically confidence intervals are calculated using a probability of 100 1-a 95. For example the odds ratio of 080 could be reported with an 80 confidence interval of 073 to 088. Because were talking about a ratio measure. If the confidence interval does not cross the line of no difference than the observed difference is statistically significant because you know it is highly unlikely that the two groups are the same. A 90 interval of 072 to 089.