Example Of Ordinal Scale Of Measurement. For example income is a variable that can be recorded on an ordinal or a ratio scale. Scales asking about agreement strength likelihood or satisfaction ie. This scale has greater scope for psychology and other social sciences research. At a ratio level you would record exact numbers for income.
An ordinal scale is a scale of measurement that uses labels to classify cases measurements into ordered classes. However for other variables you can choose the level of measurement. Thus an ordinal scale is used as a comparison parameter to understand whether the variables are greater or lesser than one another using sorting. Statistical parameters that is in accordance with ordinal scale is similar on the number and proportion. Very unsatisfied unsatisfied neither satisfied nor. Other examples of variables measured on an ordinal scale include difficulty hard medium easy and the order of finishing a race first place second place and so on.
In this scale the answer options usually polar such as Totally satisfied to Totally dissatisfied.
What is your gender. The central tendency of the ordinal scale is Median. An example of a nominal scale measurement is given below. This scale has greater scope for psychology and other social sciences research. The use of Likert scale is very common in social sciences. Some examples of ordinal data include.