Examples Of Positive And Negative Correlations. For example sleeping is negatively correlated with sleepiness such that an increase in one corresponds to a decrease in the other and vice versa. The following are several negative correlations examples in real-life settings. A line approximating a positive correlation has positive gradient and a line approximating negative correlation has a negative. Positive Correlation vs Negative Correlation.
In both the extreme cases there is either perfect negative or perfect positive correlation respectively. However No cause and effect is implied. When theres a negative correlation r 0 between the two random variables variables moves opposing each other. They can also come in many different forms such as linear quadratic exponential logarithmic and basically any other function you can think of. Investors for example might use positive and negative correlations to try to predict movement in the stock market and make financial decisions accordingly. A line approximating a positive correlation has positive gradient and a line approximating negative correlation has a negative.
An example of negative correlation would be height above sea level and temperature.
The slower you drive in your car the longer it will take you to reach your destination. An example of positive correlation would be height and weight. Statistically a perfect negative correlation is represented by -10. Taller people have larger shoe sizes and shorter people have smaller shoe sizes. An example of a negative correlation is that the volume of gas decreases as the pressure increases. However No cause and effect is implied.