Examples Of Predictive Validity. Predictive validity is a specific type of validity that helps to address the question Does this assessment measure what it is intended to measure and can the results be used to predict things. For example an honesty test has predictive validity if persons who score high are later shown by their behaviors to be honest. A Test of Knowledge. Criterion validity is a type of evidence where a survey instrument can predict for existing outcomes.
SAT and ACT tests used by colleges and universities are an example of predictive validity. Predictive validity and concurrent validity. To assess predictive validity a sample of undergraduate business students from an Austrian university was invited to participate in a short survey three months after the participants had handed in a questionnaire with the eWOM trust scale. Examples of Concurrent Validity The following examples illustrate more scenarios in which we can use concurrent validity to determine whether or not some explanatory variable can be used to predict the value of some criterion variable. For example for depression tests like the forced swim whether or not they meet criteria for other types of validity are useful because they are predictive of medication effects Castagne Moser Roux. Here are some of the examples of the versatility of predictive validity.
In ethical scientific research we have model organisms such as zebrafish toads fruit flies chicken cats and mice that we can use to investigate the human body from early development to senescence.
Porsolt Le Jalfre 1977. A Test of Knowledge. Hence predictive validity is more useful in providing data related to test validity. When accurate in predicting a job applicants future behavior psychological tests can be valuable hiring tools. Predictive validity is one type of criterion validity which is a way to validate a tests correlation with concrete outcomes. If the outcome of interest occurs some time in the future then predictive validity is the correct form of criterion validity evidence.